Week In Review & Deep Dive Into The Joint Select Committee On Sydney's Night Time Economy

Sparks were flying this week between the Morrison and Berejiklian Governments, with the two teaming up to deliver reliable and affordable energy through the New South Wales-Queensland Interconnector (QNI). The Commonwealth and New South Wales Governments will jointly underwrite up to $102 million of the QNI upgrade to ensure the security of electricity in NSW.

NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro made his strongest statements yet on water security this week, stating he would be prepared to "rip up" the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, remaking the state should be "pausing all water sharing plans" while the drought continued and that it needs "to put people before the environment".

In media news, Andrew Clennell has been announced as David Speers' replacement as political editor at Sky News.

Sydney's south is on the move with the new M6. The NSW Government opened expressions of interest to companies vying to build the underground motorway from Arncliffe to Kogarah.


The long-awaited report by a cross party joint select committee, chaired by the Hon Natalie Ward MLC, on Sydney’s night-time economy has recommended scrapping the ‘lockout laws’ in all areas of the CBD except Kings Cross.

There was cross-party agreement that the laws were stifling tourism and hospitality businesses. The report made 40 recommendations including that the government should lift a number of restrictions, including the ban of shots and strong drinks after midnight, glass service late at night and the 3am stopping of service “with appropriate urgency”.

Throughout the inquiry the reasons for changes, the violent culture that led to the deaths Thomas Kelly and Daniel Christie, were at the forefront of discussion. Chair of the inquiry, The Hon. Natalie Ward MLC, said that the laws had achieved what they intended to do, remarking, "Sydney is not the same city it was in 2014". Ward also emphasised that "safety and a vibrant night-time economy should not be, and are not, mutually exclusive."

Alex Greenwich MP, independent member for Sydney and deputy chair of the inquiry, said he welcomed the report’s recommendations, remarking “good things can happen after 1:30am. I met my husband on the dance floor in a gay bar on Oxford street. With the repeal of the lockouts, I hope others in Sydney will be so lucky.”

While the NSW Joint Committee on Sydney’s Night Time Economy report found in favour of the repeal of Sydney’s lockout laws (with the exception of the Kings Cross precinct), the Government has to provide a response for the recommendations to be actioned. Premier Gladys Berejiklian has indicated that she is willing to repeal the legislation, stating that she intends to “find the right balance” with respect to Sydney’s nightlife. The NSW government has until March 2020 to provide a response.
