2021 | Another Year, Another Record Transport Spend for NSW


The NSW Government’s ambitious transport and infrastructure pipeline is showing no signs of slowing down in 2021, with a further $14 billion of funding announced by the Government in November last year. The Government has recognised that investment in major public transport projects, such as the Sydney Metro and Parramatta Light Rail, is key to a post-COVID economic recovery. 

Sydney Metro


Sydney Metro remains the centrepiece of the NSW Government’s public transport agenda with a further $28 billion committed over the next four years. This will see the continuation of Sydney Metro City and Southwest, as well as the commencement and construction of the Metro West and Western Sydney Airport (WSA) projects.

Sydney Metro City and Southwest remains on track for its slated 2024 completion date, providing 31 stations along the 66km standalone railway system stretching from Tallawong to Bankstown. Construction of the tunnels is now complete, tunnel fit-out and station construction will commence later this year, and the beginning of testing and commissioning of the line will occur in mid-2023.

Sydney Metro West, estimated by the Government as a roughly $25 billion plus project, is currently in the planning phase with Transport for NSW taking a major step in September last year announcing the following consortia had been shortlisted for delivery of two tunnelling packages:

  • Acciona Australia and Ferrovial Australia

  • John Holland, CPB Contractors, and Ghella Australia

  • Gamuda and Laing O’Rourke Australia

The tunnelling packages will be split into two sections, the Western Tunnelling Package (Sydney Olympic Park to Westmead) and Central Tunnelling Package (The Bays to Sydney Olympic Park). The Central Tunnelling Package will be awarded first, with the winner of this package being ineligible to win the Western Tunnelling Package. The Government has said that this arrangement will help to drive greater competition in the delivery of tunnelling infrastructure.

Parramatta Light Rail


Parramatta Light Rail (PLR) Stage 1 (Westmead - Carlingford) is forging ahead with the first tracks laid in January through the Parramatta “Eat Street” precinct under an ambitious construction timeline that seeks to have all track laid between Lennox Bridge and George Street completed by mid-2021.

While the Government has not committed to PLR Stage 2 (Rydalmere – Sydney Olympic Park), the Government has stated that it is investigating “less invasive” mass transit options such as a trackless tram on a dedicated corridor.

Greater Sydney Bus Contracts


On 24 October 2019, the Government announced that it will invite Australian and international public transport operators to bid for contracts for the three remaining bus regions operated by the State Transit Authority.

The current open tender deadline is fast approaching, with applications due by 30 April 2021. More information is available here:


Further to this, all current Sydney Metropolitan bus contracts will be up for renewal, driving a new wave of competition for bus operators.

Precinct Revitalisation


The revitalisation of the Circular Quay, Central, and Redfern North Eveleigh commuter precincts is currently a top priority of the Government.
Following on from a forum with stakeholders and the community on redevelopment of the North Eveleigh Precinct, the Government has commenced a short consultation on the newly released ‘Redfern North Eveleigh Strategic Vision’ (until 26 March 2021).  The vision details how the Redfern North Eveleigh Precinct will be renewed to create a mixed-use development that revitalises the historic transport buildings on the site, through the creation of residential, commercial, retail, and cultural spaces.  The next phase of the project will include developing and assessing options for the Precinct layout.
This proposed redevelopment is in addition to the significant Redfern Station Upgrade that is being planned, which will see a new southern concourse constructed, providing better connectivity to Eveleigh and existing centres such as the University of Sydney.  The Government has stated that this is the first step in the broader renewal of Redfern North Eveleigh.
Throughout 2021 we should anticipate several exciting announcements and progress on these revitalisation projects as industry engagement ramps up.