27 September | Full Roadmap to Recovery

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NSW is less than two weeks away from seeing restrictions ease after almost 100 days of Greater Sydney lockdown.

With the 70 per cent and 80 per cent double-dose vaccination targets firmly in sight, Premier Gladys Berejiklian has set a date for the stay at home orders to be lifted— Monday 11 October—and has announced the full 'Roadmap to Recovery'.

While the NSW Government has previously indicated what life will look like when the state hits the 70 per cent double-dose target, today's announcement provided more details regarding the lifting of restrictions once the 80 per cent target is hit, as well as a further announcement for the easing of restrictions for all citizens, including those who remain unvaccinated, on December 1.

On the day that construction capacity returned to 100% for double-jabbed workers, today’s announcement should provide some certainty to other industries across NSW who can now plan for the staged reopening.

We have summarised the major elements of the announcement below. For the full list of restrictions, please click here.

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The NSW Government has outlined the following revised restrictions for fully vaccinated adults to take effect on the Monday following the state achieving the 80 per cent double-dose target. This is likely to be 25 October, but has not yet been confirmed by the Government. 

Gatherings in the home and outdoor public spaces

  • Up to 10 visitors will be allowed in a home (not including children 12 and under)

  • Up to 20 people can continue to gather in unregulated outdoor settings

  • Up to 200 people can attend COVID Safe events

  • Up to 500 people can attend controlled (ticketed and seated) events

  • Community sport permitted

  • Those who are not fully vaccinated may only gather outdoors in groups of 2 people

One person per 4sqm rule

  • Retail stores, personal services, gyms and indoor recreation facilities, and weddings and funerals can operate with one person per 4sqm, with caps for particular activities

  • Hospitality venues can operate with one person per 4 sqm inside and one person per 2 sqm outside, with the requirement to be seated while drinking indoors removed

  • Entertainment facilities (including cinemas, theatres, music halls) can operate with one person per 4 sqm or 75 per cent fixed seated capacity (whichever is larger)

  • Major recreation outdoor facilities including stadiums, racecourses, theme parks and zoos can operate with one person per 4 sqm, capped at 5,000 people (or by an exemption). Amusement centres and nightclubs will remain closed


  • Unrestricted trips between Greater Sydney and Regional NSW will be permitted

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On Wednesday, 1 December 2021, the following settings will apply to all NSW citizens, regardless of their vaccination status:


Gatherings in the home and outdoor public spaces

  • No limit on the number of visitors to a home

  • Density will shift to one person per 2 sqm for indoor and outdoor settings

  • No limit on the number of people who can attend informal outdoor gatherings

  • COVID Safe plan required for outdoor events with more than 1,000 people

  • Community sport will be permitted for all people

One person per 2sqm rule

  • Retail stores, personal services, hospitality venues, gyms and indoor recreation facilities, including indoor pools, entertainment facilities (including cinemas, theatres, music halls), weddings and funerals, and significant recreation outdoor facilities (including stadiums, racecourses, theme parks and zoos) can operate with one person per 2 sqm

  • Amusement centres and nightclubs can open with one person per 4 sqm


  • Domestic travel, including trips between Greater Sydney and Regional NSW


The NSW Government is also working closely with the Commonwealth Government to consider changes to incoming international arrival caps. This would allow more Australians home and families to reunite in time for Christmas.

As always, please feel free to reach out to the PremierNational team: 

Mark Jones
Lachie Crombie

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