8 October | Federal Cabinet Reshuffle

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Angus Taylor, Tim Wilson, Melissa Price, and Ben Morton have each been sworn in during a virtual ceremony at Government House in Canberra this afternoon. Alex Hawke was promoted to Cabinet, but did not have to be sworn into his ministries again. The reshuffling of the federal cabinet comes after the resignation of former Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, Christian Porter.

These changes, as noted by Prime Minister Scott Morrison, have been brought about with the intention of boosting Australia’s sovereign capabilities in the new energy economy and securing a stable Indo-Pacific as the nation recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Angus Taylor will now take on the Industry portfolio as well as his existing portfolios of Minister for Energy and Emissions Reductions. Bringing the Industry portfolio under Taylor will allow for a seamless expansion of his responsibilities as both the Industry portfolio and Energy and Emissions Reductions portfolio fall within the same federal department. Such a move strongly signals the government's intentions to deliver a resilient, modern, and strong economy for all Australians as part of its $1.5 billion Modern Manufacturing Strategy.


Tim Wilson will provide invaluable assistance to Taylor in his new appointment as the Assistant Minister to the Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction. As Australia transitions to the new energy economy, Wilson will work closely alongside Taylor to ensure the Morrison government fulfils and surpasses its climate change commitments. Prior to entering Parliament, Wilson was a Human Rights Commissioner from 2014 to 2016.

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Melissa Price has gained the remaining parts of former Minister Porter’s portfolios, Science and Technology. Price will continue to act as the Minister for Defence Industry but will now work closely with Taylor under the Industry portfolio. This appointment will provide a much-needed focus on Australia’s scientific and technological capabilities as the nuclear submarine project is implemented under the AUKUS arrangement.

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Alex Hawke, as the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migration Services and Multicultural Affairs, has been brought into cabinet. Moving the Immigration portfolio back into cabinet is critical for a smooth transition as Australia emerges out of the COVID-19 pandemic. This appointment reiterates the Morrison Government's dedication to reopening its borders, bringing back tourism, international students, and skilled workers.

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Ben Morton has been appointed as the Special Minister of State, the Minister for the Public Service and the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Morton will continue to oversee electoral matters and bolster the capability of the Australian Public Service. In his new role, Morton will now also assist Simon Birmingham in the work that is being carried out on Australia’s parliamentary workplace.

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