NSW Premier's Priorities

The Premier's Priorities represent the Government’s commitment to making a significant difference to enhance the quality of life of the people of NSW. The priorities aim to tackle many of the issues that have been put in the too hard basket. Each priority has an ambitious target. They have been set with the purpose of delivering on the Berejiklian Government's key policy priorities, being:

  • a strong economy;

  • highest quality education;

  • well connected communities with quality local environments;

  • putting customer at the centre of everything we do; and

  • breaking the cycle of disadvantage.

Lifting Education Standards

Increase the proportion of public school students in the top two NAPLAN bands (or equivalent) for literacy and numeracy by 15 per cent by 2023, including through a state-wide rollout of Bump it Up. Achieving this Premier’s Priority will mean at least an additional 18,700 students with improved literacy skills and 13,500 students with improved numeracy skills.

Increase the proportion of Aboriginal students attaining Year 12 by 50 per cent by 2023, while maintaining their cultural identity. Increasing the proportion of Aboriginal students attaining their Higher School Certificate (HSC) by 50 per cent means that 1200 additional Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students will attain their HSC by 2023.

Keeping Children Safe

Decrease the proportion of children and young people re-reported at risk of significant harm by 20 per cent by 2023. Achieving this Premier’s Priority will result in 20 per cent fewer children and young people re-reported back into the child protection system by 2023.

Double the number of children in safe and permanent homes by 2023 for children in, or at risk of entering, out-of-home care. The NSW Government want to support families with the services they need so that children and young people can stay safely at home, or return home after a break. Where this is not possible, they will use the permanent placement principles to ensure that a child or young person has a safe, loving and permanent home.

Breaking the Cycle

Reduce the number of domestic violence reoffenders by 25 per cent by 2023. Based on the current offender cohort, achieving a 25 per cent reduction in domestic violence reoffenders will mean approximately 450 fewer reoffenders each year.

Reduce adult reoffending following release from prison by 5 per cent by 2023. Based on the current prison cohort, achieving a five per cent reduction in reoffending will result in approximately 130 fewer serious reoffenders each year. This means fewer individuals committing serious crimes that impact the community such as sexual assault, burglary and drug dealing, and will begin to break the cycle of reoffending.

Reduce street homelessness across NSW by 50 per cent by 2025. This Premier’s Priority means helping almost 1300 people sleeping rough to achieve secure and stable housing, placing them in the best position to improve their health and wellbeing, education and economic outcomes.

Improving the Health System

100 per cent of all triage category 1, 95 per cent of triage category 2 and 85 per cent of triage category 3 patients commencing treatment on time by 2023. This priority will support the health system to improve this critical emergency service.

Reduce preventable hospital visits by 5 per cent through to 2023 by caring for people in the community. The Premier’s Priority aims to reduce potentially preventable visits to hospital by five per cent through to 2023 for people who can safely receive their care in the community. Delivering this result will strengthen the care provided to people in the community, improve patient experience and keep people healthier in the long-term.

Reduce the rate of suicide deaths in NSW by 20 per cent by 2023. Every suicide is a tragedy and touches so many. Families, friends and communities across NSW are devastated by the impact of suicide, with an estimated 16 lives lost each week.

Better Environment

Increase the proportion of homes in urban areas within 10 minutes’ walk of quality green, open and public space by 10 per cent by 2023. Walkable, connected and accessible public spaces promote healthier lifestyles and bring people together. A network of welcoming and connected public spaces will create communities where people love to live.

Increase the tree canopy and green cover across Greater Sydney by planting 1 million trees by 2022. Trees improve local character and enhance property values. They extend habitat, increasing the biodiversity of cities serving as a home for animals and birds. Air quality is improved by removing fine particles from the air and trees mitigate the impact of climate change, acting as a storehouse for carbon dioxide.

Better Customer Service

Increase the number of government services where the citizens of NSW only need to “Tell Us Once” by 2023. The aim with “Tell Us Once” is to ensure that citizens will only need to provide key details and information once across a broad range of transactions, rather than providing the same information over and over.

Implement best practice productivity and digital capability in the NSW public sector; and drive public sector diversity through:

  • 50 per cent of senior leadership roles held by women;

  • Increase the number of Aboriginal people in senior leadership roles; and

  • 5.6 per cent of government sector roles held by people with a disability by 2025.
