28 November | Labor Wins Victorian Election

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has been returned for a third term without any significant dent in his majority, despite a bitter election campaign that focused primarily on the government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the world’s most locked-down city.  

At the time of writing, the ABC is predicting Labor on 51 seats, well beyond the 45 required for majority government, with the Coalition on 25, the Greens on four and eight seats still in doubt.

The ALP suffered swings against it in Melbourne’s west and north-west but not enough to lose seats while many in the more affluent east swung towards Labor, with analysts putting this down to voter dissatisfaction from extended lockdowns affecting voters in casual and insecure work and those who were able to work from home giving the government a tick.

Opposition Leader Matthew Guy has already resigned after his second loss in the race for Premier, while the much anticipated “Green-wash” and rise of the Teals failed to materialise, with the Greens adding only one inner Melbourne seat and the Teals narrowly missing out in two tight contests.

The bright spot for the Coalition was the Nationals gaining three seats.
